High School Voter Registration Challenge

The Colorado Secretary of State encourages peer to peer non-partisan voter registration, participation and civic engagement. Through peer to peer registration, you can earn your school the Colorado Secretary of State’s Eliza Pickrell Routt Award.

There are two options to get started in your voter registration efforts:

  • Register eligible students on standard Colorado registration forms and online without training, a special number or special URL.


  • Register as a Voter Registration Drive (VRD);
    • Provides online training for both organizers and circulators
    • Training updated yearly to stay current with Legislative changes
    • Custom URL for online registration
    • Tracking and reporting capabilities for online registration
    • Special Voter Registration Drive forms printed and shipped at no charge
    • Must follow rules and statutes and may be subject to fines or penalties for noncompliance
    • Find more details on VRDs in the Election rules

Your county clerk’s office is a great resource for voter registration information. The county’s high school liaison will be able to help answer any of your questions and they will be the ones to process any paper registrations that you may have. List of county clerk high school liaison contacts (PDF).

*Please note that whether you decide to do a VRD or not, if you have paper forms to turn in, you must turn them in to the proper county clerk for processing.

The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office challenges you to get at least 85% of High School Seniors at your school registered to vote! Follow @COSecofState on Twitter & Instagram and let us know how your voter registration efforts are going. Once you reach 85%, complete the Eliza Pickrell Routt Award Application to receive the award!

#VoterRegistrationChallenge #EPRAward #ColoradoVotes #COSecofState

Sign up for our newsletter by filling out the form, you’ll receive a How to Guide for your voter registration efforts as well as more information about the Eliza Pickrell Routt Award.

If you have any questions please email EPRaward@coloradosos.gov.

List of Colorado high schools that have been awarded the Eliza Pickrell Routt Award